Perspectives and Resources
Clearwater regularly offers its perspectives on helping companies improve their compensation and pay-for-performance programs. Following is a sample of articles written by Clearwater consultants, or about Clearwater consultants and their work.
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2020 Workspan Magazine article describing lessons learned from developing Employment Value Propositions over 15 years.
Personnel Journal article suggesting that organizations should reduce their salary increase budgets and increase their incentive pay budgets to better pay for performance.
Chapter in the Executive Handbook on Compensation (The Free Press) describing how to evaluate the likely return on investment (ROI) in variable pay.
Compensation & Benefits Management article describing what type of performance should be rewarded with base pay increases and what type of performance should be rewarded with variable pay.
Fast Company article by Rekha Balu describing the benefits of [Clearwater's] approach to designing incentive pay plans.
Synygy Magazine article by Matt Alderton outlining 10 questions to consider before putting together a sales incentive plan.
HR Magazine compensation special report by Lin Grensing making a case that employees who understand how they are paid are more motivated.
Journal of Compensation & Benefits article describing the advantages of dual career paths and a process for developing them.
Bureau of Business Practice Sales Manager's Bulletin explaining how to reward the quality as well as the quantity of sales.
Synygy Magazine interview with Brad Hill that describes the features of effective incentive plans.
Article in Modern Casting by Steve Wenk featuring the story of Kurdziel's success with gainsharing.
Brochure describing the value proposition for gainsharing, Clearwater's process for developing a program, and a quick diagnostic to determine if gainsharing is a good fit with your organization.
This chapter in the 5th edition of the book, Reward Management, provides an excellent technical reference on Gainsharing.
Journal of Compensation & Benefits article discussing the strengths and weaknesses of employee-based pay versus job-based pay.
Journal of Organizational Excellence article by Mike Gaudioso describing how Verizon developed a successful gainsharing program.
Pay for Performance Report (IOMA) article describing the details of the U.S. Mint's gainsharing program.
Journal of Compensation & Benefits article outlining a process for developing a skill-based pay program.
Workspan Magazine article describing the ideal characteristics of a pay structure and policy for the next 10 years.
Workspan Magazine article discussing intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards and the role of incentive pay in changing and shaping behavior.
Workspan Magazine cover story outlining 10 ways to better manage compensation in an economic downturn.
Part I of a Workspan Magazine article describing 10 new rules to help your organization truly pay for performance. [example- Rule #2: Every $1 increase in base pay will be viewed the same as a $5 bonus.]
Part II of a Workspan Magazine article describing 10 new rules to help your organization truly pay for performance. [example- Rule #9: Executive pay will be capped at a multiple of average worker pay.]
Journal of Compensation & Benefits article describing work done at Walt Disney World to design a quality sales process and a compensation program to support the process.
Detailed one-page example of a personal impact map that takes specific employee action areas and provides line of sight to the organization's vision.
Workspan Magazine article describing how to motivate and inspire employees by connecting their day-to-day efforts to the organization's vision.
HR Magazine article describing how to use compensation to motivate team performance.
On-line Benefits and Compensation News article exploring creative equity alternatives to the vanilla stock option.
HR Magazine article by Steve Bates citing the experience and findings of the industry's pay-for-performance experts.
Workspan Magazine article describing why your organization may be better off thinking through an “Attraction Philosophy” or a “Retention Philosophy” than a “Compensation Philosophy.”
Workspan Magazine article describing the future of executive compensation.
Pay for Performance Report (IOMA) article describing CVS's experience with two incentive plans.
Journal of Compensation & Benefits article looking at the problem with stock options and what motivational alternatives exist.
Industry Week article describing how the best manufacturing plants in the country can create better compensation models.
HR Magazine article explaining that responsible pay administration must examine total pay (base pay plus incentives), not just base pay.