Performance Management

Providing employees with the knowledge and tools to grow their contribution to the business.

Performance Management

Providing employees with the knowledge and tools to grow their contribution to the business.

Client Challenges

The appraisal process gets in the way of managers completing their daily tasks so they ignore it or do the minimum.

The performance review is not focused on what the employee can do to learn and grow to contribute more to the business.

Performance management is a formidable once a year exercise and you need to weave it into the day-to-day actions and accountabilities of the managers.

The factors that you use to evaluate performance have no proven linkage with the factors that drive business success.

The employee's written review looks about the same year after year. There needs to be more focus on behaviors demonstrated and results achieved over the past 365 days.

The behaviors covered in the performance review are too generic and you want to define and encourage the specific behaviors, skills and actions that the organization needs to to succeed.

Clearwater Can Help...

Design performance review forms and processes that support your culture and focus on the growth and development of each employee

Provide guidance for setting SMART annual objectives

Identify and define custom competencies that will drive the behaviors that help the business succeed

Provide training and/or tools to help managers conduct better performance reviews

Develop personal impact maps to help every employee understand what they can do to impact annual company results

Create an executive 360-degree performance review process and subsequent coaching plans to address any executive shortcomings

Fun Fact

Fun Fact- Performance Management

The number one reason for voluntary turnover is not compensation. It is the lack of opportunity for growth and advancement.

- Comprehensive national study by Work Institute with data from over 234,000 exit interviews

WS Perf Mgmt Quote

Clearwater in the News

"All jobs can be done well and all jobs can be done poorly. Pay-for-performance is defining and communicating the difference."

- Workspan Magazine

Articles and Related Content

Following are articles written by, or featuring, Clearwater consultants.

FinalClearwater Advantage

Performance Management Advantage

We are more focused on employee growth and development than on employee evaluation. We believe performance management is about the employee’s learning, not the employee’s rating.