Executive Pay

Linking the pay of executives to the success that they create for the business.

Executive Pay

Linking the pay of executives to the success that they create for the business.

Client Challenges

The company is unhappy with a diminishing return on investment in executive pay.

Executive pay is all about keeping score and delivering compensation, rather than focusing and motivating executives to perform at a higher level.

The organization requires a rigorous, defensible process for determining total pay levels that will be shared with the public.

The organization needs an objective, third-party to validate its executive or Board of Directors pay practices.

Executives are increasingly dissatisfied with their total pay and you fear that they may leave.

The Board of Directors is trying to identify a compensation comparator group for named executive officers.

Clearwater Can Help...

Collect quality market data for executive jobs- base pay, short-term incentive pay and long-term incentive pay

Improve the link between executive performance and company results

Work with Boards to develop and monitor comparator group pay/performance

Develop short-term incentive plans that create focus on annual companywide business objectives

Develop long-term incentive plans to focus, motivate and retain executives

Create phantom equity or long-term plans to encourage executives to behave more like owners

Fun Fact

Fun Fact- Executive Pay

Pay is not the only answer. “Executives say they would willingly reduce their pay packages by an average of 28% in exchange for a job that was better in other respects.”

- Alexander Pepper, Harvard Business review


Clearwater In the News

"Executive incentives that depend primarily on stock price effectively say to executives, 'We're not clever enough to develop meaningful objectives for you, but we'll pay you as long as the stock price continues to grow.'"

- Workspan Magazine

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FinalClearwater Advantage

Executive Pay Advantage

In designing executive pay plans, we are more concerned with how much company performance will improve than how much executives will make.