Performance Management
Providing employees with the knowledge and tools to grow their contribution to the business.
Client Challenges
Fun Fact- Performance Management
The number one reason for voluntary turnover is not compensation. It is the lack of opportunity for growth and advancement.
- Comprehensive national study by Work Institute with data from over 234,000 exit interviews
Clearwater in the News
"All jobs can be done well and all jobs can be done poorly. Pay-for-performance is defining and communicating the difference."
- Workspan Magazine
Articles and Related Content
Following are articles written by, or featuring, Clearwater consultants.
Part I of a Workspan Magazine article describing 10 new rules to help your organization truly pay for performance. [Example- Rule #2: Every $1 increase in base pay will be viewed the same as a $5 bonus.]
Part II of a Workspan Magazine article describing 10 new rules to help your organization truly pay for performance. [Example- Rule #9: Executive pay will be capped at a multiple of average worker pay.]
Compensation & Benefits Management article describing what type of performance should be rewarded with base pay increases and what type of performance should be rewarded with variable pay.
HR Magazine article by Steve Bates citing the experience and findings of the industry's pay-for-performance experts.
Performance Management Advantage
We are more focused on employee growth and development than on employee evaluation. We believe performance management is about the employee’s learning, not the employee’s rating.